Goodies store

On this page you'll find an online store for R2D2Trading branded goodies.

We have selected these items for their quality. You can choose different colors for each item.

R2D2Trading makes no profit on the goodies; the price corresponds to the selling price on the Tunetoo site. Tunetoo makes the products, handles the orders and dispatches them directly.

Go to the previous page

The goodie store "account" is different from your R2D2Trading account.

Direct access to the store:

The customer account on this shop is "capricious". Once you've placed your order, you can connect directly to the website, where you'll have access to order tracking and a more comprehensive customer area! The shop's website is for ordering purposes only.

Boutique en ligne en partenariat avec tunetoo, créateur de Tee-shirts imprimés .